Photo Walk mit Fotograf Alex Harbich Galerie Minimal Berlin

Written by Florian Kazimirski

On 20. Mai 2019

Our Photo Walk with Alex Harbich

Today we want to give you some impressions of our Photo Walk with Alex Harbich. Alex took our guests to a car park on the Gleisdreieck to take pictures together with them for almost 3 hours. I was really happy about the photos because the guys obviously had a lot of fun…

With our Photo Walks you have the opportunity to meet very different artists. Wander through Kreuzberg in small groups of no more than 5 people and get rid of your questions, exchange experiences and be inspired by the artists’ perspective. If you’d like to join a photo walk, join our Newsletter to make sure you do not miss the next date.

Photo Walk mit Fotograf Alex Harbich Galerie Minimal Berlin

About Alex Harbich

Alex Harbich is a thoroughbred photo artist from Hamburg. In addition to his work as a freelance photographer, he studies at the Berlin Technical College in Hamburg and implements his own serial projects.

His approach is always artistic and the focus is on conceptual design of his projects. His handwriting does not manifest itself in genres and looks, but in his unique concepts. His inspiration collects Alex in the everyday life. After months, ideas become concepts and concepts become series.

None of his projects is self-contained. He leaves them open to let them grow with him.


“… I’m working on a topic because I’m interested and an idea, because it’s important to me. It’s always my goal to create photography that means something, says something that asks the right questions. I’m not interested in photography as mass consumption or as a technical discipline. On the contrary: Technically, photography has become so easily manageable that it has to focus even more on content and ideas in order to be of high quality … “

His life has now completely focused on photography for Alex Harbich.

“… For me there is no real life with work-life-balance or free time, because the time in which I feel free, is the one I dedicate myself to photography. It’s my dream, my one-in-a-thing I’ve dedicated to mine – and I stand up with a smile every day to make it as big as possible … “

Do you want to join the next time?

With our Photo Walks you have the opportunity to meet very different artists. Wander through Kreuzberg in small groups of no more than 5 people and get rid of your questions, exchange experiences and be inspired by the artists’ perspective. If you’d like to join a photo walk, join our Newsletter to make sure you do not miss the next appointment.

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