“If an image leaves someone feeling a little bit uneasy, then I feel like that is a successful photograph”
Last Saturday we opened the first solo exhibition of Natalie Christensen in Germany. After so many months of planning and preparation, we are very happy that so many have set off to attend this evening.
The evening started with an in-depth artist talk where Natalie provided many insights into her work as well as her personal life and then answered the questions of many interested visitors. Of particular interest to me was the connection between her former activity as a psychotherapist and her work as a photographer.
After the artist talk, the cheerful part of the evening began. Many guests took the chance to meet Natalie Christensen live and to toast with her to her exhibition “The Deconstructed Self”.
“A beautiful evening”
Video by Michael Hübner
After the opening on Saturday we gave 5 of you the chance to go for a photo walk with Natalie. The weather was just perfect and everyone was excited to work with the photographer from Santa Fe on an expedition through Kreuzberg, swaped ideas and learned from one of the most interesting photo artists in Minimal Photography.
If you want to join our next photo walk just subscribe to our newsletter at the end of this page to don’t miss the date.
Natalie Christensen
“The Deconstructed Self”
at Galerie Minimal
The exhibition “The Deconstructed Self” by Natalie Christensen goes on until 4th of October. Don’t miss the chance to see these beautiful artworks in real life. Check the exhibition page for the next dates or get in touch for a personal tour.
Natalie Christensen Red Bench In Snow